Cataracts occur when the lens in your eye becomes hard and cloudy. Typically, this happens with age but other factors can contribute to cataracts. If you have noticed your vision becoming blurry or cloudy over time, it’s important to have a doctor rule out other causes. Triangle Eye Institute provides routine eye exams to determine if you have cataracts and the best course of treatment if you do have them.

Once you have confirmation that it is indeed cataracts, your doctor may recommend surgery to correct the cloudy vision. Surgery involves removing your cloudy, natural lens and then replacing it with an intraocular lens.

While the thought of eye surgery can be intimidating, you are not alone. Twenty million Americans over 40 have cataracts. Surgery is typically the most effective with more than 98% success rate. At the Triangle Eye Institute, we know your eyes are important and treat every patient with care and compassion.

If you are a candidate for cataract surgery, it’s not just a one size fits all lens to put in your eye. The specialists at Triangle Eye Institute will help you understand your vision needs and discuss options on what your desired results are. There are many types of IOL and the specific lens you need will be determined by host of factors. There are IOLs for near vision, distance and even correcting astigmatism. The lens will depend on your vision and eye shape and desired results.

Vivity Intraocular Implant

Triangle Eye Institute offers Vivity IOL as one solution to cataracts. The technology behind Vivity provides a continuous range of vision rather than a single focal point. It will allow you to focus on far and intermediate distanced objects as well as the ability to function with up close vision.

Vivity is a good option if you have presbyopia in addition to cataracts. Because presbyopia is the inability to focus up close, patients usually deal with reading glasses part time. Vivity IOL uses a non-diffractive design to reduce a dependency on glasses. You shouldn’t need ‘readers’ after surgery.

Another advantage to Vivity is a low level of starbursts, halos and glares. If you travel in the evenings or are affected by bright or dim lights, this would be a great option.

Vivity is a great choice for those who enjoy an active lifestyle. With new lenses in your eyes, you’ll be able to see clearly and without the need to use glasses, even for reading.

PanOptix Intraocular Implant

The Triangle Eye Institute also uses PanOptix for some patients. For those seeking more intermediate vision restoration, PanOptix is a great option. Like Vivity, PanOptix will also correct presbyopia and eliminate the need for reading glasses. Because of the refinement of intermediate vision, this is more suited for those who work in an office or use mobile devices and computers frequently.

The use of a single trifocal lens design allows PanOptix to correct intermediate vision, yet your distance and near vision doesn’t suffer. It is possible to have good vision and focus at multiple distances. You don’t have to compromise.

Toric Intraocular Implant

The Triangle Eye Institute knows and the struggles patients have with astigmatism. Astigmatism is caused by the curvature of the cornea and as a result, vision is blurred or fuzzy. For those who suffer from astigmatism and presbyopia and have been diagnosed with cataracts, toric lenses are the best option.

Previous lenses made to correct astigmatism would sacrifice distance vision. Because the center of the ACTIVEFOCUS™ toric lens is dedicated to distance vision, you now have a wide range of vision and are able to focus clearly at any distance. Also, it is 2.5 times less likely to rotate than other brands. This maintains a stability for the toric lens to stay on the correct axis and allow the patient to see clearly at all distances.

With 50% of cataract patients experiencing astigmatism, toric lenses are becoming more common and the technology behind them is improving as well. Better stability, increased distance vision and correcting presbyopia are some advantages to ACTIVEFOCUS™ toric lenses.


While any of these lenses are great choices when it comes to correcting cataracts, the biggest question is what is right for you? There is no compromise by picking one type of lens over another, but rather which distance do you want enhanced? You can have improved vision at any distance and even correct astigmatism while ridding yourself of reading glasses too. What are you waiting for? Contact Triangle Eye Institute today for your consultation.

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